Smart Dashboard For Publisher

Monetiscope's Smart Dashboard

Welcome to Monetiscope, where innovation meets simplicity in the world of digital publishing. Our Smart Dashboard is a game-changer for publishers, offering a suite of powerful features designed to streamline your monetization efforts and elevate your revenue generation. Let's explore the key functionalities that make Monetiscope the go-to solution for publishers seeking efficiency and effectiveness in ad management.

Generate Rich Media Ad Units with a Click

Say goodbye to complex ad creation processes. With Monetiscope's Smart Dashboard, you can effortlessly generate rich media ad units with just one click.

Enable Video Ads Seamlessly

Activate video ads effortlessly through our Smart Dashboard, capturing your audience's attention with captivating visuals and compelling content.

Detect and Mitigate Invalid Traffic

Monetiscope's Smart Dashboard is equipped with intelligent algorithms that identify and address invalid traffic, safeguarding your ad inventory and ensuring that your monetization efforts are focused on genuine user engagement.

Apply for Open-Bidding Independently

Take control of your monetization strategy by applying for open-bidding directly through our Smart Dashboard. No need for middlemen – you have the autonomy to secure the best deals and maximize your revenue potential.

Benefits of Monetiscope's Smart Dashboard

Streamlined ad management processes

Effortless Ad Creation

Save time and resources by streamlining the ad creation process, allowing you to focus on content and engagement.

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Video Ads Integration

Tap into the power of video advertising to capture user attention and enhance overall ad performance.

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Invalid Traffic Protection

Safeguard your ad inventory, ensuring that monetization efforts are directed towards genuine user engagement, ultimately protecting your revenue.

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Independent Open-Bidding Application

Take control of your monetization strategy by independently securing the best deals and maximizing revenue potential without intermediary hassles.


Monetize Ad Block Users

Enable ad block monetization effortlessly through our Smart Dashboard, ensuring that you're not missing out on valuable revenue from users who have ad blockers enabled.


Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

Make informed, data-driven decisions with a clear understanding of ad performance, user engagement, and revenue trends, enabling optimization of your strategy.


Frequently Asked Question?

Monetiscope’s Smart Dashboard streamlines ad creation by allowing publishers to generate rich media ad units with a single click. This user-friendly feature eliminates the complexity of traditional ad creation processes, saving time and resources.

Absolutely! Our Smart Dashboard seamlessly integrates video ads, providing publishers with a straightforward solution to enhance user engagement through captivating visuals and compelling content.

Monetiscope incorporates advanced algorithms to detect and mitigate invalid traffic effectively. This feature safeguards your ad inventory, ensuring that your monetization efforts are focused on genuine user engagement, ultimately protecting your revenue.

Yes, it is. Monetiscope’s Smart Dashboard empowers publishers with the autonomy to apply for open-bidding directly, allowing them to secure the best deals and maximize revenue potential without relying on intermediaries.